Torsten Weber

It only became clear to me much later that I already loved it in my teenage years to dive into extremely different worlds, youth groups, or (in today’s language) filter bubbles, and to observe and co-create reality from their perspectives. I perceived dealing with true diversity as a huge personal gain and at the same time as a productive challenge for my own certainties.


Yet, only in 2003 I was brave enough to completely emancipate myself from rigid social norms, out-of-date headhunter mindsets, and generally from the unimaginative way how life and work were predominantly organised (and still are today). I simplified my life and finally disengaged myself from bourgeois expectations of a rat race around status and property. In spite of occasional self-doubts in the beginning, I permitted myself to embark on an open-minded and curious journey of life-long learning and to interweave elements of very different science disciplines. Since then, I try to keep a sustainable balance of body, mind, soul and a humble touch with the earth. Not as a self-discovery process to found just another little homogenous tribe, but in fact as an indispensable prerequisiste in order to be able to live my purpose as multi-partial bridge which connects people and ideas as well as enables holistic solutions in increasingly fragmented societies and across the self-referential scientific silos.


I do support human beings, teams, organisations and the society as a whole. Across continents and disciplines, with a post-heroic attitude and often as part of a female-male tandem. Be it as a systemic facilitator of leadership teams who want to make their organisations sustainably and holistically successful and who are therefore willing to effectively orchestrate „hard“ topics (strategy, structure, etc.) and „soft“ ones (e.g. change, culture, communication, social responsibility) all at the same time: To navigate while drifting. Be it as a diplomatic mediator in complex conflicts in international politics with very diverse stakeholder groups and strong egos. Be it as a personified productive irritation in entrepreneurial and social innovation processes – especially if they shall go beyond the respective majority narratives of the day. Or be it as some blend out of all that. My colleagues and myself live an agile „life model“ which makes our „business model“ possible in the first place. It is this radical independence which allows us – unlike conventional consulting or coaching firms – to play our role as truly multi-partial facilitators.


In my previous life, I studied economics and politics in Koblenz, Boston, Brussels, and Washington, D.C., worked in different roles in a large corporate, organised sustainability projects, completed various coaching trainings, researched on „top management team performance“ and „careers of managerial elites“ in a sociological Ph.D. project, and co-founded an e-commerce start-up and led it through times of success and failure.


I live in Cape Town and Frankfurt and allocate half of my time to human rights and democracy initiatives in order to co-create the world around me.


My profile on LinkedIn.