Since 2003, it is our purpose to bring people and ideas together that would not meet in an increasingly fragmented world - out of our bridge heads in Cape Town and Frankfurt. We are convinced that the differentiation in ever smaller expert silos in the sciences and in all areas of life has unfortunately led to less big picture understanding and appreciation for systemic solutions. We have therefore developed holistic and sustainable approaches for "(Post-)Heroic Leadership" and "(Sustainable) Transformation Facilitation" in companies, politics, and civil society. In order to do this ... more
We support individuals, teams, organisations and the society as a whole if they want to sustainably develop themselves - with starting questions like: "How to embark on a radically new journey and at the same time use our existing strengths?", "How to live our strategy and at the same time improve it with agile learning loops?", "How to develop our top management team and our leadership culture?" or "How to model an Executive Sparring for our CEO (tandem) or a mediation for the partners of our law firm?" In any case, we always work holistically, always "hard & soft" and in most cases on different intervention levels in order to make an organisation successful as a whole. more
We do consider ourselves to be a "bridging" think tank which addresses future challenges of human beings, organisations, and society with a systemic-holistic perspective. We engage regularly in inter-disciplinary research projects and are not committed to only one or a few schools of thought (which might sometimes be perceived as impertinent for the "intellectual silos" especially in academia). We humbly believe that we sometimes detect patterns of new developments before they become a mainstream narrative. We are radically independent - neither do we have to please a filter bubble nor do we have make money with our publications and speaking activities.
We regularly bring together people from the various filter bubbles in our societies - to have fun, but also to question beloved certainties. This practice teaches us to appreciate even more the importance of these fundamental exercises in self-awareness and meta-reflection. A series of... more